Settings you can change
On opening the admin panel, if you select the settings
tab you will see only one record. This record is the settings record. You can change the following settings:
General settings
- Default Currency: This is the default currency that will be used in the app. You can change this to any currency you want.
- Auction Active Time In Hours: This is the time in hours that an auction will be active for. After this time, no bids can be placed on the auction.
- Max Allowed Distance Between Users In KM: This is the maximum distance between two users in kilometers. If the distance between two users is greater than this value, one cannot bid on the other’s auction.
- Max Product Price: This is the maximum price that an auction can be listed for. If a user tries to list a product for a price greater than this value, the product will not be listed.
- Promotion Coins Cost: This is the cost in coins for promoting an auction. If a user wants to promote an auction, they will have to pay this amount of coins.
- Default Product Image Url: If no image is uploaded for a auction, this image will be used as the default image for the auction.
- Free Auctions Count: This is the number of free auctions that a user can list. After this number of free auctions, the user will have to pay coins to list an auction.
- Free Bids Count: This is the number of free bids that a user can place. After this number of free bids, the user will have to pay coins to place a bid.
- Auctions Coins Cost: This is the cost in coins for listing an auction. If a user wants to list an auction, they will have to pay this amount of coins.
- Bids Coins Cost: This is the cost in coins for placing a bid. If a user wants to place a bid, they will have to pay this amount of coins.
- Automatically Accept Bid On Auction Close: This is a boolean value that determines if the highest bid on an auction will be automatically accepted when the auction closes.
Mobile App Only Settings
- **Confidentiality Link **: This is the link to the confidentiality policy of the app. This link will be shown in the mobile app.
- Revenue Cat Android Key: This is the key for the revenue cat android sdk. This key is used to track in app purchases in the app.
- Revenue Cat iOS Key: This is the key for the revenue cat iOS sdk. This key is used to track in app purchases in the app.
- Ads enabled on Android: This is a boolean value that determines if ads are enabled on the android app.
- Ads enabled on iOS: This is a boolean value that determines if ads are enabled on the iOS app.
- Android Ads Banner Id: This is the banner id for the ads on the android app.
- Android Ads Interstitial Id: This is the interstitial id for the ads on the android app.
- Android Ads Rewarded Id: This is the rewarded id for the ads on the android app.
- Ios Ads Banner Id: This is the banner id for the ads on the iOS app.
- Ios Ads Interstitial Id: This is the interstitial id for the ads on the iOS app.
- Ios Ads Rewarded Id: This is the rewarded id for the ads on the iOS app.
Web App Only Settings
- Account Page Layout: This is the layout of the account page. You can choose between
. - Profile Page Layout: This is the layout of the profile page. You can choose between
. - App name: This is the name of the app. This name will be shown in the title of the web app.
- Google Play Store Link: This is the link to the google play store page of the app. This link will be shown in the web app.
- App Store Link: This is the link to the app store page of the app. This link will be shown in the web app.
You can update these settings from here: