Quick Start
Mobile App
Environment Variables

Update environment variables

Before deploying the Flutter app, make sure that you open the .env file from the app and update the SERVER_URL, WS_SERVER_URL, GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY, CONFIDENTIALITY_LINK, REVENUE_CAT_IOS_API_KEY and REVENUE_CAT_GOOGLE_API_KEY with the correct values.

SERVER_URL is the URL of the server where the server is deployed

WS_SERVER_URL is the URL of the server where the WebSocket server is deployed (e.g. if the server is deployed on http://my-server.com, the WebSocket server should be deployed on ws://my-server.com. The same applies if you're using only the IP)

GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY is the API key that you get from the Google Cloud Platform. You can find more information about how to get the API key here (opens in a new tab)

CONFIDENTIALITY_LINK is the link to the privacy policy of the app

REVENUE_CAT_IOS_API_KEY is the API key that you get from the RevenueCat dashboard for iOS

REVENUE_CAT_GOOGLE_API_KEY is the API key that you get from the RevenueCat dashboard for Android